Our Classic Cohiba  - Cigar Vigar

This cigar is a classic. It's smooth, burns well, and great for a quiet Sunda --- but wait! The model holding the cigar is captivating. That moustache is hypnotic. His shirt, clearly ironed. I need to check with the hiring manager to get more info on this guy, hold on a minute...

His name is Mac - Mackenzie King in full. The same name as a former Canadian Prime Minister - I wonder if anyone has ever told him that before? I'm getting more information in. After he finished University he went to The Netherlands for a yearlong traineeship. It was with ING Bank in Amsterdam where he was an Online Reporter/Copywriter/Digital Publisher for the Bank. Ha! A writer at a bank! That's like being a toaster at a BBQ! Well, maybe not the exact same. He later told some of my contacts that he learned a ton while he was there. Like how to use Adobe Photoshop, or how to publish content on Sharepoint and how to help all of his coworkers with pretty much anything related to computers.